Income Inequality

So we keep hearing about the need to change our way of life because there is so much income inequality in our counrty. We have celebrities, professional athletes, and politicians alike all wanting reform changes because this wealth gap is the number 1 problem in America. You hear people saying we wouldn’t have as much crime if the wealth is shared and the government helped more. This of coarse would all have a huge cost and would be passed on to the tax-payers (namely me and you).

I do agree that there is a huge wealth gap in America. This could be due to a number of things ranging from locations, education, opportunities… Some is due to the cycle of poverty that never seems to get broken. I don’t know the answer to this but I do have a suggestion. Like all of my suggestions take with alot of salt. The problem with poverty in the US (let alone the world) will not be solved overnight. I can guarantee it will not be solved by the government they are still paying  $1,000.00 for hammers.

We hear alot of politicians, actors, musicians and professional athletes talking about poverty and advocating for changes in the government to help. This is all well and good but it really gets nothing accomplished. The federal government can barely operate doing the things it is supposed to do. Adding more regulations employees and taxes will not solve the income gap. Lets take a hard look at the 3 groups mentioned above and see if you guess where I am going. According to Forbes the top 100 highest paid athletes in the U.S. have a combined income (yearly) of $15,228,000,000.00 and change. If we lok at the combined yearly income of the top 100 actors/musicians in the U.S. that would be about $4,202,000,000.00. Those two groups alone average almost $20 BILLION dollars a year. Now lets loon st the current sitting members of Congress and the Senate. The top 12 earners make a combined $1,519,000,000.00. The next 34 make between $10-$50 million per year, if you go on the low end thats $34,000,000.00. The next 157 members make between $1-5 million per year, again the low total would be $157,000,000.00 The next 155 members make between $100,000-$1 million (poor guys). That would average to about $15,000,000.00. Give or take this would be a combined income of around $21,000,000,000.00. Keep in mind this is the yearly income of about 600 people. I will throw one last staggering number out there. There are 540 Billionares in the U.S. with a combined $2.4 trillion dollars in Net worth.

Now let those numbers swim around in your mellon for a few. I am NOT saying that these people need to share their money of that the government or anyone else has any right to take that money. That would be wrong. I am sure some of these folks really worked hard to accumulate these hordes of money. Some don’t they just sing, act, or play a game… Not all of these people have been advocating for closing the income gap, but alot of them have. I would say to they you have the ability to make change and really not notice any change in your way of life. Why push for the government to step in and tax more, create more regulations and waste more money when we have the ability and means to solve these problems.

There is a staggering amount of poverty in the world, and I think we all have the obligation to help. Jesus tells us “If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.” This is one of the over 2000 times in the bible that talks about helping the poor. This is one of the main teachings in Christianity. Imagine a world where we all reached out to help the poor. That was the vision, and the path Jesus wanted for us all. I know it is hard to do. We are constantly drawn to buy more and get this shiny new thing. I know I wont go home and sell off everything I own and give that money to the poor, but I will try and do more.

This should be something we do as people, not something that is forced by a government. Like I said before the government cant even handle the work it is supposed to do, let alone take care of us all. I leave you with this when you see that person on the corner try not to judge. We don’t know them or what they have gone thru, and to those preaching on income inequality. Look in the mirror before you open your mouth. What are you doing to help others, and lead by example. Don’t be a banging gong no one likes a gong.

Election Day

So today is the day everyone. After today all the mud slinging, TV ads, robo calls, and news shows can end for a bit. Until 2 mths from now the 2020 Presidential election process starts and things get even worse. Or until the loosing party starts bitching about how they lost and were cheated… The grand total of money spent on these mid term elections has reached 3 BILLION Dollars with some projections reaching 5 BILLION. What does that simple fact say about our system? What does that say about us as a country? In my opinion this says we are super focused on the wrong thing. Where you spend your money shows where your heart is.

All this money all this fighting, all the bad feelings, protests etc where has it gotten us? Will anything really change? I really doubt it. Both of our houses are like a dysfunctional family trying to have Thanksgiving dinner. In the last 2 yrs how much time has been spent on legislation or trying to make our budget balanced compared to how much time has been spent on fighting and trying to get re-elected?

I know I know all I am doing is posting questions with no answers. Here is my suggestion to us all. Go vote, turn off the TV, and computer. What will happen will happen, the world will not end over night. Well it may but nothing you can do about that anyway. When you hear the results of the election accept it and go on with your life. I can not believe we actually have leaders who are saying if the other party wins there will be a revolution. Some are calling for more protests if they loose. There was a Missouri Senator who actually said “I hope Trump is assasinated”. One actor “James Cromwell” stated that there will be blood in the streets if the Democrats loose. Hillary Clinton said “You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about,” Clinton said in an interview with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour. “That’s why I believe, if we are fortunate enough to win back the House and or the Senate, that’s when civility can start again. But until then, the only thing that the Republicans seem to recognize and respect is strength.” Basically telling people dont be civil until we win. What does this teach our children??

What does all of this tell us? It tells us to keep fighting with each other. It tells us the only acceptable outcome is the one we want. It adds fuel to a fire. Why make these statements, why add more division to the world? I know this was a one sided view but hay thats life. I am not saying my side is right or wrong it’s just the side that I see as a better future for me and my family. Is it wrong to want that? Does that make me evil?? Who knows what will happen today, who knows what will happen tomorrow. In the grand scheme of things it doesn’t matter.

I could go on and on but there is no point to it, people will be people. Politicians will be corrupt. Funny everyone in politics is talking about income equality as one of the biggest problem in the US…. You know over 50% of them are millionaires, and they are spending BILLIONS on elections. You want income equality start in your houses. Take your election funds and give to the poor, your millionaires give to the poor instead of forcing others to give. Same goes for all the actors, and pro athletes. They are all backing the platform of give to the poor, government help the poor. These two groups alone have the funds to end poverty in the US altogether and really not change their lifestyles… Ironic isn’t it..

Any way there is my political thought for the year. Next time I will write about my trip to prison and the men I met there… Happy day Happy thoughts.

To The Devil Say Not Today

There is a great song that I love hearing on my drive to work “Not Today” by Hillsong. I try and make this an anthem for the way I act every day. Listen to it and decide for yourself. Like everything I write these are my thoughts and should be taken with a pound of salt not just a grain. A very wise man once told me “garbage in equals garbage out” I’ve found this to really be true.

I used to just listen to rock music as I work and on my way to and from work. I never really thought about how it effected my outlook on life and my attitudes. That is until I switched my radio station to only christian music. In my office I only play christian music. People kept asking what did you do are you feeling guilty or something. After about a week the whole feel of my office changed, so did the way I was reacting to people and situations. Instead of getting mad,cursing, and yelling I started just dealing with what ever the problem was and not letting it effect my mood.

I came up with this “motto”, I can not control people in my life, I can not make people see things the way I feel they need to be done, I can not make aggressive and angry people change. The only thing I can control is the way I react to them and those situations. People and situations that are hard to deal with and frustrating will never go away this is a part of life. We can however control the way we react to these people and situations.

I found the more I react calmly and with a bit of peace in my heart the better I feel. I don’t go home angry over the days stupid people or events. Yes I know it’s not “nice” or “Christian” to label people as stupid. But lets be honest there are some stupid people out there and people do stupid things… I have also found that the more I act this way the more people around me start acting this way. Maybe by lifting the shade off Gods light a bit in my actions others can see it. Not saying I an a saint and never get mad that would be a UGE lie. I still get mad but I react differently. Anyway try it like anything start for a week and really look for the change. Life is made up of little changes they add up the big changes.

Read thru the verse from that song I mentioned below and let me know what you think. And if for nothing else but to feel better inside try the garbage in garbage out thing for a week, what do you have to loose… And shout out to the devil at the top of your lungs “NOT TODAY”

“Your love stood down death
Crushed the devil’s head
Fear is just a liar
Running out of breath
The fight beneath Your feet
I’m standing on Jesus’ Name
So let the devil know not today
Let the devil know not today No no
Not now not ever again Jesus
Let the devil know not today, not today, not today”

Hay you know what I just wrote a completely positive blog post. Maybe that’s my new thing. Have to wait and see what happens next, could be interesting though.


Well here we are 10-25-18 were creeping up on the big MidTerm Election. I say whoopty fricking do. I just wish it were over so we could watch something funny on TV for a change. But no were still watching the news and internet to see what the new scandal of the day is. So the news fake fact or otherwise is now one of the most popular things on TV and the interweb. Gone are the days of watching your local news for 30 min a day to check in on the world. Now we have stations dedicated to nothing but non stop scandal and updates. Really people there isn’t that much we need to be informed on. We have built up these ratings monsters that are going to do and say anything to get ratings and make more money. News has gone from simple reporting of facts to sensationalize stories and pumping out opinions.

I hate the news I wish we had the happy news channel 24 hours of nothing but good things to report. unfortunately happy news does not sell papers or get ratings. From Fox to CNN its really all the same. Sometimes I think they call it a TV program because that’s what we are being programmed. You watch to much of one side long enough and thats all you see. So today in my world I can report nobody died, everyone is healthy, I still have a job and a roof over my head, and God is good.

If your feeling down and things look bleak try this. Turn off everything electronic, facespace, twitter, tv, everything. Pick out a book and read it. Go for a walk outside. Meet someone different than you. Pray. You might be surprised if you can do it for a week the change you can feel in your life. It’s like a big weight lifted off your shoulders. You also might want to feel that more so you extend the unplugging for another week. The longer we are free from the draw of electronics the better we feel. The more our outlook on life looks better and clearer. The easier it is for God to creep in more and more. See I snuck God in again. I can’t help it.

I am not saying go live under a log or in a van down by the river. Not saying that keeping informed isn’t a good thing but we have to step back from all the trash swirling around. ON BOTH SIDES of the political aisle. BOTH sides are acting like children, nobody can just agree to disagree. It’s sad but it’s true. Anyway if you disagree with me I say cool deal. Lets talk about it of we can just disagree.. Either way I am good with it and I hope you are to.

Politics as Usual

So today is 9-26-18 and I am going to make a few assumptions and predictions. The US government as has become the new standard has sunk to new lows with this whole Supreme Court Nomination. So we have Kavinaugh who was nominated by Trump. The “liberal” side has been screaming from day 1 that if he is nominated he will over turn Roe V Wade (which would be awesome) and let everyone have a machine gun. Now we have the sex scandles from when he was a kid over 30 yrs ago. I will come out and say it its a crock of dodo meant to put off the nomination until after the midterm elections.

Now I will say it’s a awesome lie. This happened over 30 yrs ago, can not be proven, and can not be proven not to have happened. In todays age of #meto #resist and all the sex scandals rocking everything it’s the perfect ploy. The accuser also says she will only let senators question her which is another perfect ploy. Any Republican Senator that questions her to strongly looses votes in the midterm election. If Republicans don’t vote for his nomination they loose votes from their base, and if they vote for him they are labeled as rapist lovers and women haters loosing votes as well. The Democrats have created a win win for them.

This was a perfectly constructed web of BS and lies that started the day the old SC announced his retirement. Gone are the days of innocent until proven guilty, gone is the presumption of innocence. The demands that the FBI investigate a rumor from 30 yrs ago over an alleged crime that they dont even have jurisdiction over is stupid. But if they don’t do it then they are the evil ones. My guess is that he will be forced to step down from nomination and President Trump will have to nominate another SC. This will be delayed until after the elections and the Democrats get more votes on who gets appointed.

Looking at the way we are acting as people in this country and how our leaders are acting we have to be the laughing stock of the planet. People don’t see that they are being manipulated by the media, and politicians. This is on both sides, I’ve said it before we as a people are stronger together (yup I took Killary’s slogan sue me) but we are being divided. Those in power want us divided. If we are so busy fighting each other we dont notice what is really going on. We don’t see how bad politicians are screwing up our country. A nation divided can not stand (Abraham Lincoln)…

It’s time for us to put aside our petty differences and work together or we will no longer be a world leader. We will also loose even more of the few rights we have left. If Kavinaugh steps down or looses this nomination based on accusations not facts in a court of law thats another right gone. It sets the precedent that your now guilty until proven innocent. Trust me we are all guilty of something we dont want this to be the set pattern.

The Democrats will win back the Senate, they will block Trumps SC nomination, and this will be the start of the downfall of our remaining rights. As everything I have written these are just my thoughts and observations. Take them as you will. I hope and pray that I am wrong.

New Normal

This morning I woke up to the news of the latest Mass Shooting here in the US. So far over 58 dead and hundreds wounded at a shooting in Las Vegas. The news is non stop why did this person do this, It’s terrorism, It’s Trumps fault, We need more gun laws, or We need less gun laws. We are all spending our time trying to make sense of this or to place the blame on something or someone. I can’t make sense of it and I don’t think anyone ever will. What we should be focusing on is the fact that this was an act of evil, this is becoming to common in our society today and with each new act we become more desensitized to these acts of violence.

What we all should be doing is looking to God at these times, not trying to place blame. We should be joining together in prayer for those dead and hurt, for our country, for our leaders, and for our world. This is another example of the devil taking hold of the world for his own motives. The only way to combat the rise of evil is thru prayer. If we look to anything besides God to help in these times we will only be brought farther from him.

I mourn for those who have lost their lives and for their families left behind. Let us not continue to be further divides by the devil and those who follow him…

Lets Throw Monkey Poo at Each Other

Well we are hard at it again here in the crazy US of A were all fighting our hardest to tear each outer apart. I am sure you have all read/watched the protests between White supremacists and the ANTIFA/ others recently. As well as groups running around tearing down monuments that they consider offensive. It is tragic that the violence is erupting and one young lady died and many others were injured by a looney. I really don’t even know where to start on this topic but I will ramble on for a while and if it makes no sense I guess sorry…

So I am going to start with a email I recieved asking me to sign a petition for the State of Oklahoma to ban the KKK from the state. Now when you first see this you may think ok we all pretty much know the KKK does not represent a vast majority of our population so whats the harm in banning them. So you sign the petition and it goes up for a vote. Now those in office dont want to be labeled a racist or supporter of the KKK so they pass this law. See how simple it is now were a good state inclusive and we kicked out the KKK look how great we are.

What we don’t stop and think about is what precident have we just set? We have just banned a group of Americans…. But they were Racist and evil so it’s ok right? Now lets look forward a year and this time oh lets just say the Satan Worshipers need to be banned ok I don’t agree with them lets just outlaw them as well. No real big deal to me I am neither a racist or devil worshiper so who cares. Again we get to pat ourselves on the back because we are cleaning out the rif raf in society. To quote Hillary we threw them in a basket of deplorables. Yah still can’t believe someone running for office actually labeled 1/2 the country that..

I think you can see where I am going with this. If you cant WOW open your eyes and read some history. Now that we are efectivly banning those we disagree with what happens when you are now the minority who gets banned? Not so fun now is it. When did we become Nazi Germany or a communist dictatorship? Like I have said before little by little these small changes don’t seem that bad but we are sliding down that slippry slope into the government gets to decide what we can and can not say and believe. What I am trying to get at I guess is we as a society can decide for ourselves who to listen to and what to believe. We don’t need big brother telling us what is acceptable or not.

What would be next thought crime? I know it’s a stretch but we are getting to the point where people who say things that are offensive to some are being attacked for what they say or believe. We have lost the ability to have an open discussion and agree to dis agree. We are raising a whole generation where it’s become I am right and if you dont agree with me I will attack you for it. I still do it sometimes and get sucked into a battle where 1/2 way through it I step back and say what were we even fighting about. Then when I figure it out I feel dumber for even arguing the topic. I will never change the others opinion and they will not change mine. In the end everyone looks like a monkey throwing feces at the other… DON’T BE A MONKEY!

Don’t really know the solution except we all need a big glass of grow up and lets just get along with each other and if we cant how about stay away from each other. I will NOT go to either a KKK ralley or one where ANTIFA is there. Why? Not out of fear but because I don’t want to legitimize their group or position. Both are stupid in my eyes (and I hope the majority of Americans) These two fringe groups do NOT represent a majority of America but they are staging all this shit so we get sucked into it. Guess what we are falling for it. A house divided will fall. I have said it before and will say it again. Until we can get back to just being Americans and a country with laws that get followed (except those speeding limits) we will continue to spiral down. We CAN make America Great Again. Sorry Donald I just stole your line. Politicians can not and will not, only we the people can.

We are a country that is to quickly loosing respect for others. We must be the laughing stock of the world right now. As I said before these are just my rambeling thoughts. You can take them leave them. Heck please disagree with them and lets talk about it. Like people over a cup of coffee, or a beer. But lets leave the monkey poo at home. Hope you all have a great weekend. Now turn off your electronic shit for the weekend go play with your kids or dogs or pet monkey what ever.


This morning I was watching the National Debt clock on my desk top rush by and saw it is at $19.4 Trillion dollars. Hard to imagine that in 2000 when the debt reached $5 trillion we all thought that would be the highest it could get and everyone pledged to cut spending and lower the debt. Instead of doing anything at all about spending or cutting the debt we have gone on a spending spree that has not ended. Maybe it is time for the US to do what any reasonable company or person would do and either cut up the credit cards or declare bankruptcy. I know how dare I say the US can’t pay it’s debt, but in all reality we can’t and never will. We are at a point in our nations history where we can either get ahold of this runaway train of spending or call it quits and say we will never have it paid off, and beg for mercy from our debtors. Sad isn’t it hao the biggest econemy in the world is in all reality bankrupt. Really we are we just don’t have the common sence to quit. If every tax payer paid $162,500.00 right now we would pay off the debt. I don’t know about you but if I was handed a bill for that I couldn’t pay it and would declare bankrupcy.

I work in the construction industry as an Estimator and one of the things I have noticed in all of the years I have worked with Federal, State and Local contracts is that everyone has the use it or lose it mentality when it comes to their budgets and spending. I have not run into one single person who is looking worried about how anything is going to be paid for. They have the mentality that if at the end of the year they have not spent all of their budget then they will get less money the next year.

What this leads to is at the end of each year there is a spending spree in all of these departments so they can show they need a bigger budget for the next year. So in effect they are all buying useless shit just to spend money. Wait it gets better, I have personally offered cost saving ideas on contracts that would provide a comparable or better product with significant savings to the government and they were rejected. Why so their budgets would be safe. In one instance there was a $60,000.00 water heater where I offered a $14,000.00 deduct for a similar product. This was declined because that would show they didn’t spend their allotted monies for this project.

Think if all departments were offered incentives for reducing spending and finding ways they could cut costs. Oh but we can’t do that it would mean cutting federal jobs then what would those people do. Well the world needs more plumbers, electricians, carpenters, people who build things or make things. Guess they could learn a trade and be productive for a change instead of wasting time and money.

When me and my wife sat down and looked at our credit card debt we finally said enough and we saved and cut what we spent for a year. By doing this we were able to pay off that debt and cut up all those cards. It wasn’t easy and it took a lot to get it done but we had reached that enough is enough point. I think it’s time for the Fed. to do the same. It wont be easy it will mean sacrifice, but in the end it will be worth it. For us as a family it has meant extra money we have in our budget every mth as we are not having to pay those stupid credit card bills. This in its self was like getting a raise not to mention the interest we saved. As the bible says “The borrower is a slave to the lender” so the US is a slave to those who lend us money. I know there he goes talking the bible again.. Can’t help it.

The Frog in the Water

I think we have all heard that if you put a frog in boiling water it will jump out but if you put it in a pot of water and slowly heat it up the frog will stay there until it boils to death. I look at the changes in the world and in our country and the more I look at where we are now as a people I am seeing that the water we are in is boiling. I don’t think that any of us would have chosen to jump off the diving board of life into the waters we are in now from say 15 yrs ago. But we did jump in a while ago when the water was nice and cool. Now however little by little things have changed, and with each tiny change the water has gotten a little bit hotter. Now the question is can we turn off the heat, or get out of the water in time?

To many things have changed in the course of my life to address them all but I will talk about a few that I am passionate about. One being the fact that God is being erased from our society, and being a Christian is now looked down upon by many. The other is how divided we have become as a society and a country.

For as long as I can remember God has had a part in not only our country, but the core values in America. From in God we trust to God Bless America. Now both of these things are being blotted out of existence. The more that talking about God is removed from society and politics it seems the more screwed up our nation gets. National day of prayer can’t do that. Prayer in schools, nope that can’t happen. The separation of church and state is being warped into an all out battle against God and those who believe in God. Now in a lot of places if you exercise your right to free speech and talk about God you will be harassed or persecuted for it.

I think it would be an interesting study to see since God was forced out of schools how far academics in schools has dropped, as well as how much violence has grown in those schools. I would bet that even atheists would see a comparison with these statistics. I will leave that to others to study though. Same thing can be done with our government. It seems the more as a society we drive out God the more that space gets replaced with evil things. The farther away from God our country gets the worse off everything gets. Just take a look for yourself and you can see we are a society driven by greed and corruption. Not one motivated by helping others and pushing for peace. Don’t get me wrong this is not just an American thing this is a human thing.

As we forced God out little bit by little bit no one said a thing. We all stood in the water thinking it’s not that bad as it slowly got hotter. Had this anti God movement happened all at once it would have been stopped dead in its tracks. I don’t think any of us would have jumped into the boiling water. Now we are at a place and time where even the mention or religion is taboo and will get you scolded, or if you exercise (or voice) your beliefs and someone is offended you are labeled a bigot, homophobe, or sued.. How do we go back to a time when we could pray in school if we want, or at work? Or I could say because of my religion I don’t think that is right. Honestly I don’t think we can get back to where we were. With enough prayer and unity maybe we can turn the heat down enough so we don’t boil to death. Or we can stay silent and in 5 yrs Christmas will no longer exist at all, and churches will all have to be hidden. That might be a bit extreme but look around the world Christians are being killed at an alarming rate simply because they are Christians. Is this the world we want for our kids and grand kids?

This same thing can be said for us as Americans giving up our rights. Little by little tiny step by tiny step we have given up our rights to the government. Either in the name of National Security, or the common good we have given up little rights. If you lumped them all together into one law to be passed we as a nation would have said hell no you can’t do that. However as one little at a time sure you can take that that’s not really a big deal and it will make us safer. See there I go chasing a squirrel…

Lets also look at the Us VS Them mentality that has swept the country. I know I am to blame for thinking this way to. I am part of the problem, but maybe by talking about it I can be part of the solution as well. I will say this I am a white christian heterosexual male. There I have just put myself into 4 distinct categories. Almost immediately most people have in their minds the fact that I am privileged, racist, close minded, homophobic, islamiphobic, NRA member and a Republican. Comon I know all of you thought at least one of those. If not you must have been living in a cave for the last 10 yrs or just don’t watch the news. You can not turn on the TV or listen to the news without seeing the racial and religious tension spreading like wild-fire in the world these days. It has gotten slowly worse and worse and instead of people (black and white or muslim and anyone) getting together and working to make things better we have divided into groups to fight against each other. I am white and I don’t want there to be any racial tension in the US. I will bet that if I sat down with a black man in my town he would want the same thing. So why are we killing people over this? Is that what God wants? Oh there he went with the God thing again, but think about it. The more we have taken God out of our culture this racial division has gotten worse. If we all followed Gods teachings guess what we would love our neighbor, not hate them because of the color of their skin. Love is blind this is what I am trying to teach my kids. Love others no matter their race or color. We are all the same inside and God made us all. A house divided can not stand. This is true for a nation and right now we are divided and leaning way over.

The same could be said for the religious tension and division. I don’t know much of the Muslim religion except what I hear on the news. I think most Muslims don’t really know much about the Christian religion except what they hear. So there are the beliefs that all Muslims are Terrorists and all Christians are Islamaphobes. I have not done anything to help in this category myself, probably due to fear and not knowing any Muslims myself. Perhaps If I got to know some Muslim groups and families there would be less of an unknown. I know some of the Radical Islamic groups are not capable of acceptance or change and I would not sit down with someone who openly wanted to kill me or my family. There are peaceful members of both religions and those are the ones I would like to get to know and meet with. In unity there is strength.

Basically these problems will not be solved in one big step. It took thousands of little steps to get to where we are now. The only way out of the boiling water is to little by little turn the heat back down. You can not erase hate over night, only by consistent small acts of kindness, forgiveness, and love over time. Maybe for me that means to get together a group of like-minded Christians and go meet a group of Muslims. Get to know them as people, make friends. Maybe I go to a BLM rally ans talk to the protesters there as people show them understanding and acceptance. Maybe if we start seeing each other as people not as labels little by little we can change the way society acts. I am not saying all people or groups can or will change. There will be those that have so much hate ingrained in them they will never change. Jesus says to love everyone as he loved us (I think Gandhi, Mohamed also said this or if they didn’t they should have). This means our enemies and those who want to kill us as well. Hard to do I know but ultimately if we all lived that way I think this world would be a better, safer place.

I don’t really know the solution this is my option I know there are many more but this is mine (this is my rifle there are many like it but this one is mine). I think next time I will ramble on about something a little bit lighter, and happy. Enjoy your week and be safe. God Bless America! I couldn’t help that one I am a Bible Thumping Gun Toting Republican anyway what would you expect. Actually I am Independent and don’t carry a gun but I will thump a bible if I can.